Digital Signatures

Learn how to use Digital Signatures in SiteConnect


Digital Signatures for Form Builder

(available in Version 3.4.2 of the SiteConnect App or higher)


Click here for the full training guide for building a Form.

Need to update your SiteConnect App?  Android Devices or Iphone Devices


To add a Digital Signature Field to a Form go to the Form Builder tab


Form Builder


Then on the left-hand side in the Available Form Fields scroll down until you come to the Signature field and click on +Add Field



Then select where you want to position the field within your form.  You can select: 

  • Prepend (first field in the Form)
  • Before or After ( select which field you want to put the field before or after)
  • Append (last field in the Form)


Digital Form Selectio


The Signature Field will then display where you have placed it.


If a field is Red then you will need to complete the required files within that field so it turns Black before you can save the Form.


Click on the Signature Field.  Label it and put in a description.  You can also make it a required field *



* If you make the Field a required field users must be on Version 3.4.2 or higher of the App to be able to complete the Field otherwise they will be unable to complete the form and submit it.  It is therefore NOT recommended to make this a required Field.


Make sure you Save the Form after making any changes by clicking on either Save Form or Save Form & Close


The signature will display in the App as per below example.  The user needs to click on Use Signature once they are happy with the signature.  The user can also clear their signature and start again or change the name of the person signing to anyone in the connected network.



Digital Signatures for Toolbox Talks

(available in Version 3.4.2 of the SiteConnect App or higher)


Need to update your SiteConnect App? Android Devices or Iphone Devices


Toolbox Talk attendees have the option to sign that they have attended a Toolbox Talk.

When a user is selected as an Attendee they will be sent a Push Notification (notifications need to be enabled) advising that there is a Toolbox Talk record to sign.  A notification will also display in the Tasks Section on the Home page of the App.


Click on the link to open the Signature Field. The User can either draw their Signature or take an Attendance Selfie.  The user needs to click on Use Signature once they are happy with the signature.  The user can also clear their signature and start again if need be.



Attendees can also Sign on a Site Manager's device.  To do this the Site Manager needs to go to the Attendees Field of the applicable Toolbox Talk  and they will see a list of attendees with the tab Sign to the right. Click on this tab to open up the Signature Field for the applicable user.



The user can sign their Signature  or take an Attendance Selfie.



Exporting Toolbox Talks

Toolbox Talks can be exported into a PDF document via either the App (all attendees) or the Web Portal (Administrators only).


Web Portal

To export a PDF copy of a Toolbox Talk from the Web Portal (Administrators only) to the relevant site and click on the Toolbox Talks tab.  A list of Toolbox Talks will open.  Click on Export PDF to the right of the applicable Toolbox Talk.



To export a Toolbox Talk from the App locate the applicable Toolbox Talk through the Site Tab



Once located, open the Toolbox Talk and  click on the Export option at the top of the screen.



The Toolbox Talk PDF export will include copies of the Signatures and the date signed and pictures of the Selfies obtained.



If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by Email: or Ph: 0800 748 763Web