All about Form Settings

Please read here for more guidance on your Form Settings for our new Forms feature

Please watch the following video which will detail Form Settings


Form Settings (5:57)

If you still need assistance after watching this video then please keep reading...


For more information on the Site Induction Form Type please click on the Site Inductions and Assigning Forms section in the Index below



General Form Settings

Site Inductions and Assigning Forms

Form Notifications and Add Condition (Post Save features)



PLEASE NOTE: The Site Induction Form type will now send a notification to anyone enabled under the Form Notifications tab (or all account admins if this has not been set up) if it is not completed after 15 minutes upon being assigned.


Due to this we recommend setting a Site Induction Form type to be auto assigned when users enter selected Sites so that this is accurate and people are enforced to complete the form under 15 minutes after they enter a given Site,


General Form Settings


In the Form Builder, you have filled in your required fields and have created your form to your liking, go to your Form Settings by clicking the highlighted tab.


From here you can fill in the Name of the form, a Form Description and the type of Form (can choose from Form or Site Induction).


You also need to go through the following options:

  • Inactive or Active- Active forms will be able to be sent to Users or will be activated at a later date. Inactive forms will not be activated.
  • Enable Notifications for this form- you can tick this on and off to enable notifications that will be sent to all selected users within your network when a User submits answers to this form. Please note that you cannot select the users that ill be notified of this until after you have saved. For more information please click here.
  • Template form: Yes or No.  When you select ‘Yes’ the form will become a ‘template form’.  A ‘template form’ is a form that can be selected either via the Mobile App or the Web Portal by the end user at any point in time to complete/submit.  When a user selects and completes the form it will show in the ‘assigned forms’ tab and a notification will be sent, if you have selected this option, to whoever you have selected to be notified.
  • Recurring Form- Recurring forms like daily pre-starts can be set up with a schedule. When you toggle this option on, you will be able to set up a recurring schedule for this form e.g. this form will repeat weekly on Tuesdays at 9.30am. 

Reuccring schedule-1



Site Inductions and Assigning Forms


PLEASE NOTE: The Site Induction Form type will now send a notification to anyone enabled under the Form Notifications tab (or all account admins if this has not been set up) if it is not completed after 15 minutes upon being assigned.


Due to this we recommend setting a Site Induction Form type to be auto assigned when users enter selected Sites so that this is accurate and people are enforced to complete the form under 15 minutes after they enter a given Site,


If you select Site Induction as the Form Type (or untick the Template option in a normal Form), you will receive these options below:

Site Induction settings updated-1



You can choose to Activate the form by ticking the top option and auto assign the form to users in your connected network, employees or users entering selected Sites. Then you can filter/narrow down this selection with the Sites, Contractors, Users, Industries and Trades buttons down the bottom.


Assign to-1-1


Click either one of these options and tick/search for the ones you want to assign the form to.


Please note that this induction will not be auto assigned under any of these settings until it has been made Active much like the standard Form type.


Once all of your Settings have been completed, you can then Save your Form. 


Form Notifications & Display Conditions (Post Save Features):


Once you Save your Form the following features will then become available for you for further editing:


  • Form Notifications- the Form notifications tab will now show a User selector whereby you can select who gets a notification when a User submits answers to the form.


The Form Notifications tab will only show you a message requiring you to Save if you have not done so.


Form Notifications tab


Your Users who will receive notifications will then appear in this list whereby you can choose to Delete them as well if you wish.


Delete notifications


  • Add Condition will now also be visible the bottom of each field when you expand each form field in the Form Builder. This will allow you to set behaviors for fields such as hiding certain fields depending on the answer that the User gives/option they select in previous fields etc.

For more detail on this feature please click here


Add condition



If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by email or Ph: 0800 748 76