Adding Training/Competency documents and your profile picture to your profile in the SiteConnect Mobile App

You can add any relevant training/competency certificates or documents to your profile and also your profile picture in the SiteConnect Mobile App



Adding Training/Competency documents


To add a new Training/Competency document, go to your Home page within the SiteConnect Mobile App and click on the gear icon in the upper left hand corner to access your profile's Settings page

Gear icon


Then click on the Training/Competency option in the menu that appears


Trinaing Comertency option


From here, you can create and upload a new document by clicking the Create button in the upper left hand corner


Create document


Then fill in the following details:


Competency creator


  • Name- Name of the document/certificate you are uploading
  • Type- Select from the following options:

Documents List

  • Visibility- Select from the following options:

Visibility options

Private- Only you as the employee that the document is registered to can see the documents

Group- Only your admin can see the file

Public- Administrators and Site Managers can see the file


  • Timezone- this should default to the time zone you are currently in
  • Expiry Date- Select from the calendar which appears when this option is hit.

Phone Calender


Once all of these fields have been filled in, you can add your document/file by clicking Add Files.


Add files competency


Choose from the following options when uploading your file


File add types


Once you have uploaded your File, click Save to finalise your document


Save image


This document will then be visible within the Training/Competency section of your profile and to any Administrators/Site Managers in the Web Portal and Mobile App if you have set the document visibility to be either Group or Public.



Adding a Profile Picture


To add your profile picture go to the cog wheel in the top left-hand corner of the Home page.



Then click on Update Profile



Then click on Change Profile Photo



A list of options will display where you can either use your phone camera and take a photo of yourself or open up your photo gallery and select a photo.


Once you have selected and added your photo it will display as your profile picture.



To select a new photo follow the same process as above.


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