How to report an Incident through the SiteConnect Mobile App (Reskin)

Here you will learn how to report incidents using the SiteConnect Mobile App


Please watch the following video on how to report an incident via the new SiteConnect Mobile App


Reporting Incidents (3.12)

Also please scroll down the article for further information:


The easiest way to report a Incident is to click the Ornange plus button icon that can be found at the bottom right hand corner of the screen on any page within the app.


Plus icon (1)

Then click Report Incident/Near Miss in the Create/Report menu that appears.


Report incident

This screen will then appear where you can select the Project/Site that Incident belongs to at the very top.


This will auto default to the Project/Site that you are currently signed into.

To change the Project/Site the incident is for, please click the Project/Site description at the very top of the page and then select the appropriate Site via scrolling or directly searching for it.


incident wizard


From here you will need to fill in the following details:

  • Select Time Zone - click here to select the relevant time zone that relates to this incident
  • Date of Incident - click here to set the date that the incident took place if this is being logged from a past event. This will automatically default to today's date
  • Details - enter in the details of what happened here
  • Select Treatment - click here to select which treatment is required form the following options

Treatment Options


  • Type of Incident- click here to select from the following options


Incident types


If you select Injury a new dialog box will open where you can chose the injury type and affected body parts.




Scroll through the lists for more injury & body part options


Similarly, if you select Illness a new dialog box will open where you can chose the illness type.




You can select who was involved, i.e. employee, contractor or visitor



  • How & Why did this happen?- In this field, enter the details of the incident and provide an explanation for it
  • Select Users- Click here to select the affected users from your connected network of employees and contractors. Either scroll through and find them or search for them using the search bar up the top
  • Add Files- click here to add any relevant images or other files to the incident direct from your phone using the following options

Camera gallery etc

Once you have filled in all information you can then Save your incident down the bottom of the page.


Save incident


You can also click the Report prompt in the upper right hand corner to do the same thing.


Report incident-2


This will come up with a Report Incident Confirmation screen, click Yes to finalise your incident and report this.


Yes to incident report


You will then be prompted that your incident has been reported successfully.  A notification will be sent to the applicable personnel and they will be able to view the the incident in the SiteConnect Web Portal.


If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by email or Ph: 0800 748 763