How to import and export your Contractors' details

How to import and export your Contractors' details



Please watch the following video on how to import and export your Contractors within SiteConnect


Importing & Exporting Contractors (5:54)

If you still require assistance after watching then please keep on reading...


Creating a CSV document to import Contractor details

If the file is encoded as a UTF-8 file, then that is not supported by our importing tools.


The steps to change the encoding is to open the CSV file (using Excel, Numbers or Google Sheets) and export or save the information into a new CSV file with the correct file encoding type e.g. UTF-8.
Use the new file to import the data into SiteConnect.

Don't know how to create a CSV file?  Please follow this link for instructions


The first thing you will need to do before you can import a list of your Contractors is to create a CSV document with the following details:

  • Company Name
  • Industry (optional)
  • Contact Person
  • Email Address
  • Mobile #
  • Contact Person's trade (optional)
  • Company Address (optional) - Street name & #, Suburb, City, Post Code, Country


Once you have created this CSV document you can then import this document.


How to Import a list of your Contractors


Contractor list

To import your CSV document listing your Contractors you need to go to the Contractors module by clicking on Contractors on the left-hand side of the main menu.

Once you have clicked on Contractors the Contractors feature will come up with a list of any Contractors you have entered into your system.


At the top of the page you will see an icon button called Import.  Click on this button.



Contractor Import


The below dialog box will appear asking you to Select and Upload the CSV file.  Click on the Select and Upload CSV File button.


Contractors select and upload CSV file


You will then be able to select your CSV document that you have already created from your files.  Once you have selected the applicable file the below dialog box will appear.


Contractor import screen

How to import your Contractors' Details from the CSV document into SiteConnect


Import COntractor toggles


In the bottom left-hand corner you will see three options as follows:


1. Treat the first row as headers - if your CSV document has a header row make sure this button is on pink.  If you don't then click on this button to turn it off which will turn it to grey.


2. The first person is the contractor business administrator, the rest are employees -  The first person in your list will be set up as your administrator.  You can change the settings for other employees from the 'employee' status to 'administrator' status.  Please find instructions on how to do this by following this link How to add and manage your employees


Only turn this function on if you are uploading one contractor at a time with their list of employees.  If loading a CSV file with two or more contractors than make sure this toggle button is off and showing as grey


3. Send email notifications - you can send email to your contractors which will send them their log in details to log in to the system.  If the button is pink this means that they will receive the email.  If you don't want them to receive the email notification then click on this button to turn it off which will turn it to grey.


The next step is to map the headers from your CSV file to the corresponding columns in the data table.


To do this click on each Title one at a time starting with the Co Name option.  Go to Map Field underneath Co Name and click on the down arrow.


Cpontractor map filed


Once you click on the arrow a list will appear which will correspond with the Headers on your CSV document.  Pick the Header which corresponds with the Title you are in, which in this case will be Entity Name.  Click on Entity Name and this will insert the data against the Co Name.


Map filed options


The compulsory map fields are Co Name, Contact Person, Email Address and Mobile; the remaining fields are voluntary fields and do not require data if you choose not to populate those fields.


Continue to do this until you have populated all the Map fields.  If there is a Field where you don't have any data to import then choose the Ignore option as per example under the heading Industry.


Filed mapped


Once you have populated all the Fields click on Import Contractors in the bottom left-hand corner.


Import COntractoes button


This will upload your CSV file and import all your Contractor's details.  You will receive an email from SiteConnect which will look something like this.


Contractors - email

How to export a list of Contractors


Contractor list

To export a list of your Contractors you need to go to the Contractors module by clicking on Contractors on the left-hand side of the main menu.


Once you have clicked on Contractors the Contractors feature will come up with a list of any Contractors you have entered into your system.


At the top of the page you will see an icon button called List Menu/Export.  Click on this button.


Export Contractors


A drop-down dialog box will open up.  You can click on Select All to select all contractors or click on the relevant contractors on the left-hand side prior to clicking on the List Menu/Export button.  When selecting individual contractors you can view how many have been selected in the drop-down menu.


Exporting two contractors


Click on Export (-) Selected to CSV


The system will generate a CSV  file which will list your selected contractors and their details. Look for this document to appear on your screen usually in the bottom left-hand corner. Click on the document to upload the file.


How to send a message to Contractor(s)


At the top of the page you will see an icon button called List Menu/Export.  Click on this button.


Export Contractors (1)


A drop-down dialog box will open up.  You can click on Select All to select all contractors or click on the relevant contractors on the left-hand side prior to clicking on the List Menu/Export button.  When selecting individual contractors you can view how many have been selected in the drop-down menu.


Send message to selected contractors


Click on Send Message to (2) Selected


A dialog box will open up for you to compose your message in.



If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by email or Ph: 0800 748 763