How to access and manage Access Activity Charts & Graphs (May 2024 Release)

Learn how to access and manage Access Activity Charts & Graphs (May 2024 Release)

You can also access and manage charts & graphs for the following features: Dashboards, Projects/Sites, Inductions, Safety Observations, Tasks, Forms, Hazards & Risks, Inspections & Audits, Incidents, Toolbox Talks, Messages.  Click here to take you to the full list of user guides for Charts. 


To access the Charts & Graphs for Access Activities go to  the Reports Tab and click on either the Sign In/Out, Currently Onsite or Time Spent Onsite Tab and locate the bar called Access Activity (Charts).  To the right of the bar you will see a dropdown arrow, click on this arrow to open up or create Charts & Graphs for this module.  You can also click on the dropdown arrow to clear the Charts & Graphs view or click on it again to reopen the view.  


Charts Site Activity


If you navigate away from the Module and come back to it you will see the same view that was displaying when you navigated away.


Once you have opened the Charts & Graph view hoover over the Filter and + Buttons in the right of the screen and click on the + Button.  Then select if you want 1-4 columns for your row.


Chart filter and add

Chart rows 1 - 4


Once you have selected your row and the number of columns you can then add your charts & graphs to each column by clicking on the + Button.


Chart plus button


The Charts & Graphs available for Access Activities is listed below.


Charts Site Activity list

How to filter and date range your charts and graphs


You can filter and date range your Charts & Graphs for the entire module by clicking on the Filter button at the top right of the screen  If you do not select a date range it will auto default to the last three year period. You can not filter or date range on individual rows or columns.


Chart filter selector


For more a more detailed training guide on how to create and manage charts click here.


If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by email: or Ph: 0800 748 763