How to access and manage Dashboard Charts & Graphs (May 2024 Release)

Learn how to access and manage Dashboard Charts & Graphs


You can also access and manage charts & graphs for the following features: Projects, Inductions, Incidents, Safety Observations, Tasks, Forms, Hazards & Risks, Inspections & Audits, Site Activity, Toolbox Talks, Messages.  Click here to take you to the full list of user guides for Charts. 



Dashboard Charts & Graphs


You will be used to our standard dashboard, which will now be referred to as the Legacy Dashboard.  This Dashboard will continue to display unless you chose to remove it.  You can also chose whether or not to display your Account Inductions in the Dashboard tab.  Continue on for instructions.


Dashboard Charts 


The Legacy Dashboard will show by default.  If you want to remove the Legacy Chart from your Dashboard hoover over the controls on the top left hand side of the screen and click on the X


Charts Legacy

A pop up will display asking 'are you sure you want to remove this row?'  If you want to remove it click on Yes, if you don't want to remove it click on No.


Charts Yes No

If you want to reinstate the Chart hoover over the Filter and + Buttons in the top left of the screen and click on the + Button.  Then select if you want one or two columns for your row.

Chart Rows

Then click on the + Button and a list of options will display.  Click on the Chart option you want to select.  You can also change your selection from 1 column to 2 columns by clicking on the dropdown arrow to the right of 1 column.


Chart Column 1-1Chart list

Once you have clicked on your selected option the Chart will display.  To move the Chart around click on the Drag Handle (6 Dots symbol).  You will then be able to drag the Chart to where you want it to fit in your screen should you have other Charts displayed.


Chart move


The Charts will display all projects/sites and the last three year's data automatically.  To change the projects/sites selected or select a different date range click on the Filter Button in the top left of the screen.  A pop up will display where you can select specific projects/sites and the date range.  Click on Apply Filter once you have completed your selections or Clear Filter to clear your selections.


The projects/sites and date range will apply to all Graphs within the Dashboard.  You cannot configure the projects/sites and data range for individual Graphs.


Charts Filter


To add another Chart to this row change the Column selection from 1 to 2 columns and then click on the + Button.  Select the Chart you want to include.


Charts 2 columns


Both Charts will display.  You can click on the Drag Handle to move them around on your screen.


Charts 2 columns move


To add more Charts to the Dashboard continue to click on the + Button and follow the steps above.


Chart Rows


For more a more detailed training guide on how to create and manage charts click here.


If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by email: or Ph: 0800 748 763