How to add and remove documents to and from a Project/Site

Learn how to add and remove documents to and from a project/site


Please see the below video to learn how to add and manage Project/Site documents within SiteConnect:


Adding & Removing Site Documents (2:36)


If you now need further assistance then please read on...


How to add a document to a Project/Site


To add a document to a project/site you need to click on Projects on the left-hand side of the main menu.  Once you have clicked on Projects you will be presented with a list of projects/sites that have been loaded. Choose the project/site you wish to add a document to and click on Edit on the right-hand side.



This will take you to the project/site you have chosen. The name of the project/site will show at the top with a list of tabs on the right hand side of the screen. Click on the Documents tab.



Now click on +Add Folder at the top of the page


Add Folder


Once you have clicked on +Add Folder a dialog box will pop up.   Enter the name of your Folder, i.e. Building Consents. The select the Folder Type from the below dropdown list:

  • Certificate
  • Instructions
  • Insurance
  • Log
  • Manual
  • Meeting
  • Minutes
  • Permit
  • Plan
  • Policy
  • Procedure
  • Record
  • Report
  • Training
  • Other


You can also set an expiry date, which is not compulsory.


Folder Screenshot


Now you can upload your documents(s) by clicking on the Add File button which will allow you to upload documents from your computer or the internet.


Add File


You can upload as many documents as you like under the one Folder name


The uploaded documents will then be saved against this project/site.  If you want to add this document to additional projects/sites click on Add Projects/Sites.


Add file to projects


A new dialog box will pop up with a list of your projects/sites.  You can either scroll through the list and click on the projects/sites you want to allocate this document to or you can search for a project/site in the search field.    Once you have selected the applicable projects/sites click on the Save & Close button.


In the top left-hand corner you will see the words Projects with a number in a bracket next to it.  This indicates how many projects/sites you have chosen.



Once you have added your file(s) and chosen your projects/sites click on the Save button.


Folder Save


How to Add a Document from the Documents Templates


Documents Tab

To add a document to a project/site from your Document Templates you need to click on Templates Tab on the left-hand side of the main menu.  Then click on Documents from the drop down menu.




Once you have clicked on Documents you will be presented with a list of Folders that have been added to the software. Choose the Folder you wish to add to the Project/Site and click on Edit on the right-hand side.


Documents Folders


A dialog box will be appear. Click on the Add Projects/Sites button.


Documents Folder Projects


A list of your projects/sites will be displayed.  Any projects/sites that are already connected to this document will have a pink box with a tick inside it next to that site.


Documents - search sites

You can either scroll through the list and click on the sites you want to allocate this Folder to or you can search for a site in the search field.    Once you have selected the applicable projects/sites click on the Select & Close button.


How to Remove a Document


To remove the entire Folder click on Delete on the right-hand side.


Folder Delete


Once you click on Delete a dialog box will appear.  Click on Yes to remove the Folder and its contents or No if you do not want to remove the document.


Documents - dialog box to remove


To remove a document saved inside the Folder click on the Manage Files button.  A list of the documents will display.  Click on the Rubbish Bin icon to the right to remove the document.


Folder Delete Files


How to remove a Project/Site


To remove a project/site that is connected to this Folder click on the Add Projects/Sites button.


Documents Folder Projects


A new dialog box will pop up with a list of your projects/sites.  You can either scroll through the list and click on the projects/sites with a pink box and tick in it that you want to remove this document from or you can search for a project/site in the search field.    Once you have deselected the applicable projects/sites click on the Select & Close button.


You can also clear ALL Projects/Sites by clicking on the Clear Selected button and Select & Close.  This will remove this Folder from ALL your Projects/Sites that it was applied to.


Documents - remove site


If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team at or Ph: 0800 748 763