Adding Images/Videos into SiteConnect (Source Link Dialog Box)

Here you will learn how to upload images/videos into your Forms, Noticeboards, Inductions, Messages etc. using the Source Link popup which appears whenever the image icon is clicked




Wherever we have a rich text editor in the software images/videos can be added.




Uploading images/videos

When uploading an image into SiteConnect, you will come across this box when you select the image option.
Insert edit i,age
The file you are wanting to upload needs to have an external link  (Source) in order to be added into this field.
An easy way to retrieve a source address for any image is to save the file/picture you wish to upload into your Documents tab in the main menu.

Templates documents


Please click here to view the Uploading Company Documents training article


Viewing images/videos

Once you have uploaded the document click on View on the right hand side of the document. Then click the file that appears under the Files heading

Picking images

Click on the file you want and it will open the file up into your browser in a new tab.

The link will start with ... up the top in your URL bar. This is your Source address for the image.

URL of image
Copy this Source link and paste that link into the Source field.



Source image address

The image/video will then embed. You can change the size of the image by dragging the corners around the image



Important Notice if uploading Videos


Due to a 16 mb max file size restriction for videos we do NOT recommend uploading videos to SiteConnect directly. 


The recommended way is to upload a video to a public service or domain like YouTube or Vimeo and then embed it into the content where it should be displayed e.g. create an account induction page, add the video media element and paste the link to the video that is publicly available on the internet. 


When users view the video it will be displayed and automatically resized to fit in the bounds of the screen. There are some things to consider as well when using a service like YouTube e.g. if the video contains copyright content then YouTube will not allow the video to be embedded in other sites.


If you need any further help or have any questions please contact the support team by email or Ph: 0800 748 763